ICPSR - Introduction to Python

Introduction to Python with Sarah Hunter. Taken at ICPSR in summer 2024.

June 10, 2024


Introduction to Python with Professor Sarah Hunter was a workshop taken at ICPSR in the summer of 2024. This course covers the absolute basics.


Google Colab is main software used - this is the one used during class.

  • be careful with the google AI that helps you with the code. It’s cool but not very accurate as of right now.

Optional: Spyder - Spyder is an IDE that makes it similar to an interface like R studio.

Optional: Jupyter Notebooks

If you want to work with data that is sensitive or private, do NOT upload it to any cloud service. In this case, use Spyder and download/work with the data locally.

Day 1 - Introduction and Language Basics

If I want to download Python locally, talk to a TA.

Getting to know Python

  • Python is more flexible and general than R.
  • Object oriented
    • R is also object oriented.
  • R is very similar to Python.
    • basic syntax is similar.
  • Why learn python?
    • its the most popular programming language

    • Python is used a lot by data analyst

      • text analysis, machine learning, and AI are big on Python.
    • Web scraping very big on Python

    • Accessing APIs with Python good as well.

      • APIs are just a way to access data easily.
  • General-purpose language. Not a statistical language
  • Free and open source
  • User created packages
  • Steep learning curve
  • different paths to the “correct” answer
  • Nat Silver apparently does everything in Stata (gross)

Basic Syntax


ex: print(“Hello World”)

There are different types of objects.

  • Objects are assigned with =

    • in R it is <-
  • Objects are defined by type:

    • scalar (cannot be subdivided)

      • int - integer, e.g. 3 or 142
      • float - real numbers, e.g. 4.2 or -3.5
      • bool - Boolean, known as logical in some languages, True or False
      • NoneType - a special type with on possible value, none. Basically means NULL.
    • non-scalar (has an internal structure that can be assessed)

      • vector, data frame, list.
    • Can find type in Python with type()

      • in R it is class()
  • We can convert different types to other types

    • just be careful!

Expressions = objects + operators

  • akin to taking words and making sentences

What are operators?

  • Additions +
  • Subtraction -
  • Multiplication *
  • Division /
  • Modulus %
  • Exponentiation **
  • Floor division // - rare

Python knows order of operations

Example code chunk:

# this is an example of assigning an object and adding operators to the objects. 
pi = 3.14159
radius = 5 
area = pi * radius**2 # pi is an object * another object (radius) raised to the second power

We can “rebind”. This assigns a new value to the object of the same name. The object is getting a new value. So be careful when you rebind!

note: need to use the print command. In R you could just type the object and it would print. This is not the same in Python.

# Rebinding example 
pi = 3.14
radius = 10 
circumference = 2 * pi * radius 


Day 2

Exercise: Describe how to make coffee in as much detail as possible

To make coffee I first grab a Keurig coffee cup and put it in my Keurig . Once starting the Keurig , I wait for it to heat up and it begins filling the cup. After, I put my sugar free vanilla creamer inside the the mug. I then mix it up and it is ready to be served.

  • What is the point of this?

    • Think about how many different tasks you have to go through.

      • Learning Python is similar. It is a series of small tasks.

        • we need to spell out each of those tasks that we do without thinking.

          • they need to be in our code.

            • Any big tasks we want Python to do, we need to have it do all those small tasks to make it do that one large task…this is called control flow.


  • Strings must be in quotes.

  • defined: text, letter, character, space, digits, etc.

  • Use triple quotes for multiple lines of strings.

greeting = "Hello! How are you"
who = 'Anastasia' 
print(greeting + who + '?') # this is concatenating. notice the output. 
print(greeting + " " + who + '?') # this is one way to fix the spacing issue
# we could also add a space to the object. 
Hello! How are you
Hello! How are youAnastasia?
Hello! How are you Anastasia?

Let’s try an example of a multi line string:

my_string = '''
This is a string. It is 
spanning multiple lines. 

This is a string. It is 
spanning multiple lines. 

We can combine strings with integers.

n_apples = 3 
print("I ate", n_apples, "apples.") # this is NOT a concatination. The n_apples is still an integer. 

print("I ate", str( n_apples), "apples.") # this is a concatination. We convert the int to a string. 

# now try to assign a new object
sentence=("I ate ", n_apples, "apples.") 
type(sentence) # notice the type is not a string. We will discuss tuples later.   
I ate 3 apples.
I ate 3 apples.
('I ate ', 3, 'apples.')


Allows a user to input a response.


# note this code won't run on this website. But you can copy it somewhere else and it will execute. 
text = input("Tell me something…")
print("So you are saying", text) 

We can go further:

# this will give you your age. Pretty fun. Note this code will not run on this website. 
birth_yr = input("Type in your birth year:")
print('You are ' + str(2024 - int(birth_yr)) + ' years old.') # if we were to assign this to an object, we would return a string because the middle input is wrapped in a str() function. So it will convert our input which is originally an integer, to a string. 


  • Used to compare to variables to one another

  • Used for binary outcomes. True or False?

    • var1 < var2

    • var1 >= var2

    • var1 > var2

    • var1 <= var2

    • var1 == var2

    • var1 != var2

  • These will help once we start talking about control flow of a model.

  • Logical operators on Booleans

    • not, or , and are special words for logical operators

    • not a

    • a or b

    • a and b

  • Examples:

    hours = 20 
    # more than a day   
    print(hours>24) # this will return FALSE. The boolean operator is ">"
from pickle import TRUE # this is just a package. the prof originally wrote TRUE but thats for R. Python likes True.
# how did you commute? 
print(bike or bus)
print(bike and bus)

Control Flow: Branching

Example: (four) spaces

if <condition>:



  • Spaces/ white space matters in python!

  • the expressions should be (by convention) be indented by 4 spaces or a Tab

  • that’s how Python understands that those are the expression to be run if the condition is True

  • once indented is removed, it’ll be back to evaluating everything.

if <condition>:
  <expression1> # evaluate expression1 if condition is True, otherwise evaluate expression2. 
  <expression> # notice all the white space. This matters in Python! 

Let’s use the modulus boolean as an example:

number=12 # change this number and see how the output changes! 
if number % 2 == 0: # if the number after being divided by 2 has a remainder of zero then it is even. 
  print("Number is even.")
  print("Number is odd.")
Number is even.

if statements

Longer example of control flow:

  • elif is short for else if

  • if condition 1 is true, evaluate expression 1

  • if condition 1 is not true but condition 2 is true, evaluate expression 2.

  • Last expression is evaluated only if all the other conditions are False.

  • Basically Python hits the first condition that returns as True.

if <condition1>:
elif <condition2>: 
elif <condition3>: 
# Basically start from the top. If not this condition then move to next one until condition is met. you can have as many elif 

Further example:

number=0 # change this number and notice how the output changes. 
if number > 0: 
  print("positive number")
elif number == 0: 
  print("Negative number")
print("This statement is always executed") # notice the white space 
This statement is always executed

Beware the Nested Statements!

  • how do you know which else belongs to which if?

    • Answer: Indention
    number=72 # change this number to see how the output changes! 
    if number % 2 == 0:
      print("Number is even.")
      if number % 3 == 0: 
        print("Number is divisible by 6.")
        print("Number is not divisable by 6.")
      print("Number is odd.")
    Number is even.
    Number is divisible by 6.

while statements

  • Keeps running as long as condition is True


# program to display numbers from 1 to 5
# intialize the variable 
# while loop from i = 1 to 5 
while i <= n: 
  i=i+1 # see what happens when you take this part of the function out. (its not good)
# this function below keeps adding 1 until the number is divisible by 13.
while not number %13==0: #notice the not function
  print(number, "is not divisible by 13.")

print(number, "is divisible by 13.")
700 is not divisible by 13.
701 is not divisible by 13.
702 is divisible by 13.

for statements

  • useful for when number of iterations are known

  • Its function can be achieved by a while loop, but for loop is easier

  • every time through the loop, <variable> assumes a new value (iterating through <iterable>)

for <variable> in <iterable>: 
  • iterable is usually range (<some_num>)

  • can also be a list

  • range(start, stop, step)

  • start =0 and step = 1

  • only stop is required

  • it will start at 0, loop until stop-1.

  • Python starts counting at ZERO NOT at one!

for i in range(5):
for i in range(11, 15):
for i in range(10, 30, 5):
for char in 'MICHIGAN':
  print(char+ "!") # this iterates through strings. 
  # we use i for integers usually, so we are using char to denote string. 
for i in range(10, 30, 5):

Break statements

  • exits the loop it is in

  • remaining expressions are not evaluated

  • in nested loops, only innermost loops exited

for i in range(1,4):
  for j in range(1,4):
    if i==2 and j==2: 
1 1
1 2
1 3
2 1
3 1
3 2
3 3
  • continue statement is similar but continues the loop over the specific iteration.
while var>0:
  if var==5: #this will skip 5 
  if var==2: # this will terminate the loop at 2
  print("current variable value", var)
current variable value 6
current variable value 4
current variable value 3


  • lists are on of four built-in data types to store collections of data

  • the other are tuples, dictionaries, and sets.

  • used to store items in a single variable.

my_list=["apple", "orange", "banana", "cherry"]
  • large lists require more computer power.

  • lists always start with a square bracket

    • parenthesis create a tuple.
  • items in a list don’t need to be of the same type.

# quarot doesn't like empty lists for some reason. So this code won't run on here.
misc_list=["apple", 3, False, None]
empty_list[ ]
  • lists are ORDERED

  • lists contain the same elements.


  • in Python, “methods” are functions that belong to an object

  • they only work with that object

  • Some list methods include:

    • append - adds element to end.

    • insert - adds an element at the specified position

    • reverse - reverses the order of the list

    • sort - sorts the list - object type determines method of sort.

    • index - returns the index of the first element with the specified value

    • sorted

    • extend - adds the elements of a list (or any interable), to the end of the current list

    • + add lists together without modifying original lists.

    • del - remove an element from a list.

cars=["Ford", "BMW"]
['Ford', 'BMW', 'Mazda']
  • note that no re-assignment is necessary

  • once append() is run, the list is modified in memory.

  • avoid “.” (dots) in the naming of objects because they have usage in python.


Day 3


Write a script that checks whether a number is even.

number = int(input("choose any number ")) # we wrap in int() b/c input returns a string.
if number % 2 == 0: 
  print(number, "is even.")
  print(number, "is odd.")



Lists can be sliced with the following syntax:

  • [start:stop:step]

    • start at start (default is zero)

    • stop one step before stop (default is length of list)

    • step specifies how many indices to jump.

      numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
      numbers[:3] # count and stop at 2 
      # or 
      numbers [::2] # move in steps of 2 
      [1, 3, 5, 7]


  • ordered sequence of items

  • a type of object.

  • unlike lists, tuples are immutable

    • immutable means the values cannot be changed after it has been created.
  • They are typically created with parenthesis ()

  • Example:

    tpl = ('a',5,True)
    ('a', 5, True)

Why use tuples?

  • used to conveniently swap variable values

  • used to return more than one value from a function, since it conveniently packages many values of different type into one object.

  • not super common TBH. Probably won’t use much. But they are just something to be aware of.

  • Tuples have two methods

    • count()

    • index()



  • Sets do not order items

  • sets store unique elements - no duplicates

  • uses hashing to efficiently store and retrieve

  • great for quick lookup (does not take much time/RAM)

  • sets created with curly {} braces

    my_empty_set=set() # creates an empty set

Additional Set example:

flight_banned = {"Jane", "Josh", "John", "Jess"}
"John" in flight_banned

Difference between sets and Lists:

  • Sets:

    • will only check the memory location where item could be
  • Lists:

    • it will check all of the lists one by one, till the end if necessary.


  • Defined: text, letter, character, space, digits, etc.

  • create. with single or double quotes (needs to be consistent use)

  • strings can also be created with triple quotes.

    • these handle multi-line strings.

String Methods

  • startswith()

  • endswith()

  • capitalize() capitalizes the first character

  • title() capitalizes the first character in every word

  • upper() capitalizes everything

  • lower() converts string to all lowercase.

example_string = "the New York Times"
example_string.upper() # can also wrap this in a print() function. 


  • Dictionaries are objects in Python that contain both key and value pairs:

    salary = {"Jane":100, "Jess":150, "Janet": 200}
    salary["Jane"] #notice the value returned.  
  • Values

    • any type (mutable and immutable)

    • can be duplicates

    • can be lists, other dictionaries, any type

  • keys

    • must be unique

    • must be immutable type (int, float, string, tuple, bool)

  • no order to keys (and thus values), just like there is no order in a set.

  • [key:value, key:value, key:value…]

Dictionary methods

  • .index

  • .keys

  • .values

salary = {"Jane":100, "Jess":150, "Janet": 200}
salary["Jane"] #find Jane's salary 
salary["Jess"] = 175 # change Jess' salary 
salary["Allison"] = 130 #adding allison to dictionary 

Iterating over a dictionary

grades = {"Ali" : "A+", "Bella" : "A+", "Rose" : "A", "Sam" : "B+"}
for person in grades:
  print(person + "'s grade is " + grades[person]+".")
Ali's grade is A+.
Bella's grade is A+.
Rose's grade is A.
Sam's grade is B+.


  • reusable pieces of code

  • functions are not run until they are called/invoked somewhere.

  • function characteristics:

    • has a name

    • has parameters

    • has a docstring (optional but recommended)

      • help file for your function. Tells you what the function does basically.
    • has a body

    • returns something

  • Saving bits of code to be used later.

  • “def” is the keyword used to define the function

  • name of function comes after “def”

  • then, in (), comes the parameters/arguments

    def is_even(i): # is_even is name of function. i is what we input for the function to evaluate. 
      Input: i is a positive integer
      Returns True if i is even, otherwise False
      return i % 2 == 0 
    is_even(5) # we are saying use the function is_even, which checks to see if we have a remainder after dividing by 2. If we do not, then it is even. 
    # returns a boolean (False or True) based on the input. 
  • the docstring, enclosed in “““, provides info on how to use the function to the end user.

  • the docstring can be called with help()

  • Be cautious of the variable scope issue.

Returns in Functions

  • returns can only be used inside a function

  • there can be multiple returns in a function

  • only of them will be used each time function is invoked

  • once return is hit, function’s scope is exited and nothing else in the function is run

def check_number(number):
  if number > 0:
    return "positive"
  elif number < 0: 
    return "negative"
    return "zero"

Test my knowledge:

Write a function that tests if number is divisible by 6:

def divisible_check(x):
  if x % 6 == 0: 
    return "this number is divisble by 6"
  elif x % 6 != 0: 
    return "this number is not divisible by 6"
    return "undefined"  

divisible_check(108) # change the number in the parenthesis to test the output. 
'this number is divisble by 6'

Write a function that creates a dictionary within the function. This function will take a sentence, assign each word as a key, and the value will correspond with the number of times that word appears in sentence.

def word_freq(sentence):
  for word in words_list:
    if word in freq:
      freq[word] += 1
      freq[word] = 1
  return freq

quote = '''Let me tell you the story when the level 600 school gyatt walked 
passed me, I was in class drinking my grimace rizz shake from ohio during my 
rizzonomics class when all of the sudden this crazy ohio bing chilling gyatt got 
sturdy, past my class. I was watching kai cenat hit the griddy on twitch. 
This is when I let my rizz take over and I became the rizzard of oz. I screamed, 
look at this bomboclat gyatt'''
{'Let': 1,
 'me': 1,
 'tell': 1,
 'you': 1,
 'the': 5,
 'story': 1,
 'when': 3,
 'level': 1,
 '600': 1,
 'school': 1,
 'gyatt': 3,
 'walked': 1,
 'passed': 1,
 'me,': 1,
 'I': 5,
 'was': 2,
 'in': 1,
 'class': 2,
 'drinking': 1,
 'my': 4,
 'grimace': 1,
 'rizz': 2,
 'shake': 1,
 'from': 1,
 'ohio': 2,
 'during': 1,
 'rizzonomics': 1,
 'all': 1,
 'of': 2,
 'sudden': 1,
 'this': 2,
 'crazy': 1,
 'bing': 1,
 'chilling': 1,
 'got': 1,
 'sturdy,': 1,
 'past': 1,
 'class.': 1,
 'watching': 1,
 'kai': 1,
 'cenat': 1,
 'hit': 1,
 'griddy': 1,
 'on': 1,
 'twitch.': 1,
 'This': 1,
 'is': 1,
 'let': 1,
 'take': 1,
 'over': 1,
 'and': 1,
 'became': 1,
 'rizzard': 1,
 'oz.': 1,
 'screamed,': 1,
 'look': 1,
 'at': 1,
 'bomboclat': 1}
  • Why do we use the lm() command in R?

    • why not just use the formula (X’X)^-1 X’y?

      • the lm command is a function.

        • its easier to use as it executes the formula.


  • python modules are files (.py) that (mainly) contain function definitions

  • they allow us to organize, distribute code; to share and reuse others’ code.

  • keep code coherent and self-contained.

  • one can import modules or some functions from modules.


instead of below

def add(a,b):
  return a+b

we could create a module that contains this function:

# use math_operations.py
# note this code did not work. Skip for now
import math_operations 

Try this example instead:

from datetime import date
today = date.today()
print("Today's date:", today)
Today's date: 2024-09-26

We are basically bringing in packages and incorporating the functions contained within them to use for our code.


  • short hand code to replace for/while loops and if/else statements

  • comprehensions provide simple syntax to achieve it in a single line.

  • can be used for lists, sets, and dictionaries

  • Overall: makes code shorter and easier to read


With for loop:

numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
for number in numbers: 
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

with list comprehension:

numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
new_list = [num for num in numbers] # this is the exact same thing as the loop above. Just more condensed 
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]


Day 4


Write a function that, given dictionary consisting of vehicles and their weights in kilograms, constructs a list of the names of vehicles with weight below 2000 kilograms. Use list comprehension to achieve this.

With list comprehension:

d={"Sedan": 1500, "SUV":2000, "Pickup": 2500, "Minivan":1600, "Van":2400, "Semi":13600, "Bicycle":7, "Motorcycle":110}
get_lighter_vehicles=[weight for weight in d if d[weight]<2000]
['Sedan', 'Minivan', 'Bicycle', 'Motorcycle']

Without list comprehension:

d={"Sedan": 1500, "SUV":2000, "Pickup": 2500, "Minivan":1600, "Van":2400, "Semi":13600, "Bicycle":7, "Motorcycle":110}
for weight in d:
  if d[weight]<2000:

Requests and APIs

  • Let’s first talk about how the internet works.

    • Clients & Servers:

      • data (web pages) lives on servers

      • browsers, apps, etc. are clients

      • clients send requests to servers

      • servers serve the necessary files to users

  • To request data from these servers we use the “requests” library in Python

    • allows us to send requests to servers

    • need internet connection


import requests
r = requests.get('https://www.python.org/')
# you should get 200
# if you get anything else. Something is wrong and is not working. 

If I were to run the following code:

print(r.text) # this gives you all the html code of the page. 

This would print out the html code for the entire webpage. While this may seem scary, this is actually great! Because html is another coding language, by knowing just a little of html, I can pick and choose what parts of the webpage I want. Below is some basic code and information for html documents:

  • style information, including links to CSS files

  • Javascript scripts and links to javascript files

  • html tags (just add “<>” around these head, li, div, img, etc)

  • classes, ids, toggle buttons, many more

  • navigation bar, side bar, footer.

How do parse through all of this code? We use a parser.

  • a parser is a software that recognizes the structure of an HTML document

  • allows the extraction of certain parts of the code

  • the “BeautifulSoup” library serves that purpose


  • Application Programming Interface (API) provide structured data.

    • structured basically means csv files, etc.
  • they allow for the building of applications

  • separate design from content

  • access the data directly

Requests to APIs:

  • GET (get/retrieve data from server)

    • We only looked at this for the workshop.
  • POST (update data on server)

  • PUT (add data to server)

  • DELETE (delete data from server)

Many governmental agencies, newspapers, and common data sources have public APIs that can be accessed from R or Python

  • you might need a key (permission) to access the data.

GET requests to an API

  • requests typically start with an endpoint defined by the host (server)

  • For example:

    • Wikipedia provides one endpoint

    • YouTube provides many endpoints, depending on what one is working with.

  • Format of parameters

    • ?param1=value1&param2=value2&param3=value3…

    • parameters is how we define what we want from the API.

  • Follow example in pdf documentation for class.



BibTeX citation:
  author = {Neilon, Stone},
  title = {ICPSR - {Introduction} to {Python}},
  date = {2024-06-10},
  url = {https://stoneneilon.github.io/notes/ICPSR_Intro_to_Python/},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Neilon, Stone. 2024. “ICPSR - Introduction to Python.” June 10, 2024. https://stoneneilon.github.io/notes/ICPSR_Intro_to_Python/.